Cosmic Chaos

Step into a realm where words dance like butterflies in a blooming meadow, where rainbows appear in utter darkness, and where a rollercoaster of emotions will be instigated.

An Unwelcome Follower

~ Walks, rules, and broken promises ~

I enjoy taking long walks in the woods. The serenity of the silence and the soft melodies of nature often render me whole. It’s my escape from reality. ‘My walks are supposed to be uninterrupted. I am under no circumstances to be bothered or followed.’ My instructions are quite clear. So when I tell you to ignore the lifeless body I’m carrying over my shoulder, that is exactly what you should be doing. Do not let it distract you from the sight so mesmerising. 

In my defence, I did warn her to not follow me. I did say that this was a gruesome path. But just as always, she had to poke her nose into matters that did not concern her. Maybe if she was more stealthy I might not have caught her. Amateurs and their mistakes while hiking in the woods. Constant huffing and puffing, stepping on things they should not be stepping on, and shrieking wildly. It’s hard to not notice them. 

I did feel myself become engulfed by the flames of anger. Why? Why could she not have listened? I knew she was not up to the challenge. I starred at her, she looked at me and smiled through her huffs. I melted once again. “Need help?” I began walking towards her. She nods, I laugh. I took her hand and began guiding her back down the trail. I hate it, but I have to cut my walk short.

I began giving her unprecedented tips. Drink more water, keep your pace constant, breathe through your damned nose! Just to list a few. Carry light. There’s another one to be taken note of. I look ahead, still quite the length to cover. I look behind me, she looks like she sees black. I am a little concerned now. “You ok?” I place my hand on her shoulder an attempt to get her to straighten up. She shakes her head and blacks out. Heavy breathing and fluctuating eye movements commence. 

All she had to do was listen to my instructions. My walks are supposed to be uninterrupted. I am under no circumstances to be bothered or followed. My instructions could not be more simple. We would not be in this mess if she listened. I tugged on her arm and threw her over my shoulder and walked the rest of the way back. I hope you are not like her. I hope you’ll ignore this lifeless sack hanging off of my shoulder, just as I, had previously instructed. 

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